Course - SQL (Structured Query Language) - Beginner
This course will introduce you into SQL and demonstrate how to apply all the commands, functions and Logics when writing SQL.
SQL Intro,
SQL Syntax,
SQL Select,
SQL Select Distinct,
SQL Where,
SQL Order By,
SQL And,
SQL Not,
SQL Insert Into,
SQL Null Values,
SQL Update,
SQL Delete,
SQL Select Top,
SQL Aggregate Functions,
SQL Min and Max,
SQL Count,
SQL Sum,
SQL Avg,
SQL Like,
SQL Wildcards,
SQL Between,
SQL Aliases,
SQL Joins,
SQL Inner Join,
SQL Left Join,
SQL Right Join,
SQL Full Join,
SQL Self Join,
SQL Union,
SQL Group By,
SQL Having,
SQL Exists,
SQL Any, All,
SQL Select Into,
SQL Insert Into Select,
SQL Case,
SQL Null Functions,
SQL Stored Procedures,
SQL Comments,
SQL Operators
Category Data
Last Updated 29/09/2024
5 Lesson
01:25:11 Hrs